To start, you need to log in to Once started, select your character with the most relatable trading traits, which will dictate the type of tasks you will need to complete to begin generating rewards.
After confirming your character selection, you won't be able to switch it for 90 calendar days; after every change, the previous progress is lost.
Rewards are paid off weekly once the minimum threshold is met (50 USD equivalent). The higher the user's level, the higher the rewards.
To speed up the accumulation process, the user has an opportunity to complete the quests shaped around another character type, but the rewards will be lower compared to the dedicated personal quests.
Each task consumes your "energy"; after a certain amount of quests, you have to go to the "rest" mode to replenish the wasted energy. Alternatively, energy can be restored using item NFTs.
The reward time is every Monday at 00:00 UTC. The rewards will be paid in the respective token indicated next to each custom quest (may vary from custom platform token to USDT).
If you become inactive, your character will suffer health damage, and over time, your progress will be downgraded.
You can also earn NFTs that are both tradable and wearable. By gaining a certain type of NFT, you can advance in levels faster, generate higher rewards, and earn additional benefits within the CEX.
Last updated